The Key to Keeping Talented Staff on Your Team

We are grateful for the opportunity to talk with CEO of Slingshot Group Monty Kelso on today’s podcast.


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It may surprise you why most people decide to leave their current job for another.

There are a lot of factors that might lead someone to leave an organization.
Inspiring mission?
Fair compensation?
Meaningful purpose?

So, what is it that perpetuates this revolving door in so many organizations? It’s typically not the location or facilities that bother them, or even the people they work with.

Most people leave their jobs because of a compromised culture wherein people don’t feel valued. Regardless of what is said by leadership, ultimately, it comes down to what people feel. Do your employees feel valued?

Basic principle: People matter most!

Simply put: Build a culture where people matter most!

Tell us the difference between a treasure, a talent and a tool

When they feel like a tool:

You plug them in to a rigid job description
You see them as disposable
You don’t engage with them personally
You see them only as a means of feeding the bottom line
You avoid fair compensation

When they feel like talent:

You see them as a trophy
You are interested in how they make you look
You elevate them based on performance alone
You eliminate them when you find someone better

When they feel like treasure:

You craft their positions by recognizing their unique contribution (and what they truly enjoy)
You are genuinely concerned about their personal and professional well-being
You listen to them and ask questions like, “What’s holding you back?”
You allow them to contribute ideas beyond their role that may improve both culture and missional results
You enjoy them and will invest time in them personally
You honor them both privately and publicly
You invest in their personal and professional development
You promote them when appropriate
You compensate them fairly

There are no shortcuts to loving and valuing people well.

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:1-4

Steven Stosny Ph.D., Psychology Today talks about finding your value. The article is entitled Forget Self Esteem.

In contrast to high self-esteem, with its tendency toward entitlement, people with high self-value necessarily value others. Where self-esteem is hierarchical, self-value is about equality. Here’s why: When we value others, we value ourselves more—we elevate our sense of well-being and facilitate our health, growth, and development. (Think of how you feel when you’re loving and compassionate to those you love.) When we devalue someone else, we devalue ourselves—our sense of well being deteriorates. (Think of how you feel when you devalue loved ones.) In other words, when you value someone else you experience a state of value—vitality, meaning, and purpose—and when you devalue someone else, you experience a devalued state.

Do you what Steven Stosny just did. He just restated what Paul said 2000 years ago in Philippians 4.

What are some specific ways that you can make people feel treasured that you have seen?

Let’s take this to our families. What are ways that we can treasure our families

You gave us a checklist for leaders to walk through. Let’s take a moment to evaluate ourselves as leaders and our ability to treasure the people in our lives.

What undermines my ability to feel love and respect for the people I lead?
What am I afraid of when it comes to asking personal questions to those on my team?
What do I need to eliminate from my life that undermines my ability to slow down and see people as treasure?
What is missing in our staff culture that undermines an enjoyable workplace?
Who is best to process this with?
What is one small step that I can take to better value the people I lead?

Believe me when I say that I understand the challenges you face as a leader. Leadership is full of pressure points that bring out both the best and worst in us. Taking time to evaluate, reflect, pray, and seek advice from others is crucial to healthy leadership—especially when learning to genuinely put people first.

If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.