Here’s the quotes we referenced today.  If you have a quote you would like us to consider reach out to us at or

Jacks quotes

Dallas Willard “There is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.” 

You name the problem—greed, fear, racism, injustice, divorce, sexual assault, neglect, pollution, suffering, addiction, rejection, bitterness, violence, apathy, grief, war, death. Human problems will not be solved by human means. Human problems will not be solved by human nature. Human nature is our biggest problem.

There are many problems technology will never solve. There are many problems education will never solve. There are many problems money will never solve. There are many problems religion will never solve. But there is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve. That includes the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of life with God forever after death, but it also includes every other part of our existence, starting with here and now.  John Ortberg, Eternity is now in session

“I love being an American. I love this place in which I have been placed—it’s language, its history, its energy. But I don’t love “the American way,” its culture and values. I don’t love the rampant consumerism that treats God as a product to be marketed. I don’t love the dehumanizing ways that turn men, women, and children into impersonal roles and causes and statistics. I don’t love the competitive spirit that treats others as rivals and even as enemies.”

Excerpt From The Pastor, Eugene H. Peterson

“When our lives get loud, with noise filling every frequency, we lose our sense of being. We run the risk of turning into human doings rather than human beings. And when our schedules get busy, we lose our sense of balance, which is a function of the inner ear. Can I go out on a limb? Your life is too loud. Your schedule is too busy.

That’s how and why and when we forget that God is God. And it takes very little to distract us. “I neglect God and his angels, for the noise of a fly,” said the English poet John Donne.22 The solution? Stillness. Or more specifically, His still small voice.” Excerpt From Whisper, Mark Batterson

When I was pregnant with Ellen, someone gave me a small book called baby love: a tradition of calm parenting by Maude Bryt. I can still see myself sitting in my brand new glider with one hand resting on my very pregnant belly on the other hand holding that book. I remember thinking, this is my goal. I want to be a calm parent Brene Brown

The greatest challenge for most of us is believing that we are worthy now, right this minute. Worthiness doesn’t have prerequisites. So many of us have knowingly created/unknowingly allowed/been handed down a long list of worthiness prerequisites: I’ll be worthy when I lose 20 pounds. I’ll be worthy if I can get pregnant. I’ll be worthy if I can get/stay sober. I’ll be worthy of everyone thinks I’m a good parent. Here’s what is truly at the heart of wholeheartedness: worthy now. Not if. Not when.  We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.  Brene Brown, The Gift of Imperfection

Jonathan’s quotes

Everything around you that you call life was made by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it. Once you learn that you’ll never be the same again. -Steve Jobs

If we keep doing what we’re doing we’ll keep getting what we’re getting. -Stephen Covey

Men are Gods method. The church is looking for better methods, God is looking for better men. -E.M. Bounds

Today is forever, tomorrow comes never. – my dad

Lesley’s quotes

(Lesley’s corona quote)

(What Lesley’s Dad made her stare at in time out)

(In Lesley’s house)